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Taking into account the various maritime activities that the country as are the development of the FTA among many others, recognizes the shortage of merchant seamen compared with demand and little qualified for this profession.


For this reason the General Maritime, Dimar, as regulatory body of the merchant marine of Colombia held a meeting on site with the Directors of the various Training Centres of the Navy, led by Admiral Emilio Romero Pablo Rojas, Head of Instruction, Naval Training and Education.

"There are eleven years that have not formed merchant sailors and this is a problem that must be corrected and is a high priority topic Achieving this will work hand in hand with Dimar" says Admiral Emilio Romero Pablo Rojas.


The main objective of this meeting was to establish regulatory standards of this activdad, as well as key areas for instruction and preparation of future Merchant Marine aboard Naval School of Cadets "Almirante Padilla" in Cartagena, with the concurrence of the responsible for the training centers of the Navy, as well as their Academic Deans and achieve in the future have the General Maritime, Dimar, excellent staff professional and personal conditions to serve the country.